Tuesday, April 14, 2015


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Spring Collection: A Delicate Balance to Launch on April 15, 2015

Life is about balance! The Spring collection highlights the ways in which we can follow our own path by living life by our own truth!

There are 3 themes to this collection:
“A Noble Mind” To have a noble mind is to be benevolent, open not agitated or combative
“Perfect Fruit” To not only gain intellectual growth but to put it into practice, compassionate love
“Solitude” The avoidance of temptation, eating moderately leaves the mind clear and silence is favorable.  Have simple daily life and avoidance of extremes.

 New items available on 4/15/2015 7am

Welcome to B.Birdwatcher Spiritual Stones

After being persuaded by a friend to attend Oprah's "The Life You Want" Tour, I started to critically think about my passions.  It had been a rough year in 2014, where I questioned my career successes as well as my upcoming milestone birthday and accomplishments to date.  For my happiness, it was time to do things that created a path that would ultimately have a  positive and lasting effect on my life. And the journey all started with a shopping trip (of course.)  For years, I had loved wearing the beautiful stones bracelets I purchased from a high-end retailer and a recent purchase of a black onyx bracelet somehow subconsciously kept revisiting me in my dreams.  For two nights, theses powerful thoughts of designing and making the bracelets myself pushed through my subconscious to actually wake me at 3 am.  So, on the 3rd morning I decided to visit a local beading shop and sign up for a beginner's beading class.  Of course, by the time I attended the class I was already collected lots of pretty semi-precious and precious gemstones and making some on my own.  The bracelets were to be Christmas gifts to my friends and family however with me not being able to keep secrets very well, I started to show my friend's their "gifts."  They loved them and prompted me to sell them but who would buy them......3 weeks later I made my first sale!  A week later, the virtual doors of B.Birdwatcher Spiritual Stones opened !